Data Protection

Data protection relates to the obligations that govern how your personal data is used by the businesses you have supplied it to. Data protection laws are designed to protect users from misuse of data by the companies using it. Historically, protections have been relatively weak and laws have failed to keep up with technology. The waters get muddied when one considers the fact that the data being generated by users online and through their mobile devices is significant, and in many instances users sign up for free services where the real cost is actually through the use of their data. Often data collected and used is unknown to the user as many services take advantage of user’s time pressures when you accept terms and conditions without reading them in their entirety. Thus most of us accept terms and conditions daily without ever reading them. In the EU at least, there is broad recognition that it is clearly not appropriate.

The digital footprints we leave as we navigate around the web are also significant as we leave a trail of meta data and cookies in our wake. The metadata of behaviours and networks is often much more valuable than any personal data. Is it any wonder we are becoming increasingly aware of adverts following us around the web based on historic browsing histories? Unfortunately we usually only become aware of data protection issues when our own personal data leaks and yet another household name announces the latest security breach.

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